Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 3 & 4: $11

Thursday was a free lunch, although I didn't get to enjoy it much since I was presenting with co-clerk to the rest of the firm. There were some fun moments (I like presenting) and some awkward moments (when I answered an audience question and the response was essentially, No that's not what I asked... oh, and when I was looking for something in my notes while the audience waited. And waited. And waited).

Friday was lunch out with co-clerk, funintern, and a young associate. I spent $11 on the fabulous salad bar at Skyroom. I love Skyroom because I feel like I'm making an effort to eat healthy - lettuce, broccoli, mushrooms, peas - and then I make it as unhealthy as I can with several different kinds of cheese, salad dressing, hard-boiled egg, and don't forget one or two pasta salads on the side, plus bread, and maybe even a cheesy cream soup. Sigh - Quest #1, only eat until I'm full, definitely comes into play (somewhat).

So, the week's total for four days was $13.87. I checked my receipts and on Monday I got a sandwich for $6.64, so for the week I came in at $20.51. I am happy with that number - if I could limit myself to $20 worth of lunch spending per week, Husband would be overjoyed!

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