Monday, July 12, 2010

Dear Grandma

Dear Grandma,

Thank you for reminding me that I'm special. You communicated this by the way you said my name when I first arrived at your house, by your firm, strong hugs, and by your eagerness to hear whatever I had to say. I must have always been right, because you always took my side and affirmed that he/she/they were in the wrong!

Thank you for being a woman of faith. Church was a big part of your life, and you have passed that legacy on throughout generations. Your home was filled with reminders of your faith - in the Bible by your chair, in the scriptures on the walls, in the painting of Jesus knocking on the door that hung in the basement, and all those hymnals under the stairs.

Thank you for trying to teach me the traditions of our heritage. I tried to learn how to make zwieback, but without the Grandma-standard "zwieback" bowl or the dented tin measuring cup, I fear I will always be a little off in my measurements! My eyes lack the wisdom and my hands the skill that you developed over a lifetime of cooking for your family. I will do my best to at least attempt to make popcorn balls, rice crispy easter baskets, and new year's cookies.

Thank you for my afghans. They are priceless to me. You loved your "knitting," and I know you missed it these past few years.

Thank you for the birthday cards, the Christmas gifts, and the letter you wrote when I went away to college. Such small tokens that seem relatively insignificant at the time, but are monumental when looked at over the whole.

Thank you for your love. In times like this, when the Supreme Joy-Stealer whispers that your passing is cause for grief, guilt and sorrow, I must cling to your love. Too easily my mind is filled with regret and "should have's," remorse and the pain that never again will we talk on earth. But then I remember that God was in our relationship as well. He takes my regrets, remorse and pain and covers it all in his love. God can do far beyond all that we ask or think, including allow us flawed humans to experience the forgiving, grace-filled and abundant supernatural love that is derived only from Him.

So I rejoice that my fears are resolved in Him. Whatever imperfections existed between us, by the grace of God they will be perfected someday soon. The greatest imperfection - separation from you, Grandma - will be resolved as well.

Until then,

Your Granddaughter


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a lovely letter to your grandma.

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your Grandmother! Thank you for sharing it here. Love and prayers for you.


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