I first became aware of my unhealthy soul-status when I dabbled in Fasting. Society isn't too keen on fasting these days. If I skip a meal because I'm over my points in Weightwatchers, or because I don't have time, or because I want to win the Biggest Loser competition, people applaud. If I skip a meal for the purpose of practicing a spiritual discipline that brings me to closer to Christ...awkward...
So I took the plunge and went on a daytime fruit and chocolate fast. Don't judge. And during the time when I would typically be mowing down on mac and cheese, I spent some time in prayer, reflection, and Bible reading. And God gave me the bad news: I had developed a huge case of pride that had begun to erode my compassion while increasing personal bitchyness about 500%.
It was sobering how quickly it had spread. But, learning from brave ChoirFriend, I resolved to begin an intense regiment of pride-chemo. My plan is to take advantage of the Lenten season and set aside 30 minutes each day for treatment. Today, while reading Psalm 139, I saw myself trudging through the snow, walking through a mountain pass, and I could sense God's presence. It strikes me that right now, more then ever, I need to be preparing for the big transitions that are probably much closer than I realize. It's exciting to think what could happen in 40 days! Husband might have a job, we might have a new house, and my volleyball team might win a gold medal!
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