Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Lent Thoughts

The reading for Day 11 was John 6:1-14, the Feeding of the Multitude. The Lent materials quoted Father Peter John Cameron as saying, "To be human is to be needy." I began listing off all my needs, and it quickly became apparent how I can do nothing without Christ.

Today, I read John 10:1-18. I love John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Because that's what I want - I want to live life to the full!

My uncle raised sheep, and every now and then my dad would have to go over and do chores for him when he was on vacation. And he dreaded it. He hated the sheep, mostly because they were so dumb. (Among other things, they will eat themselves to death). In John, the human population is represented by the sheep, and the world we live in is the pen. Inside the pen, humans find fulfillment in what the world has to offer: fame, fortune, sex, beauty, image, position & power. But outside the pen, there is so much more! Peace, love, patience, kindness, selflessness, sacrifice, forgiveness, truth... I realize that these qualities may sound like "not a lot of fun," but as someone who still remembers what life is like without peace (for example), I wasn't "free to be me" until I stepped out of the pen.

Once Jesus Christ became the gate, it seems like a no-brainer that the sheep would be trampling each other to get outside the pen. But I fully admit that I am one of the dumbest sheep, and that even after escaping the pen to the great beyond, I often find myself trying to dig back in. Yeah, it was no accident that God used sheep analogies for the human race!

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