Sunday, March 20, 2011

Creepy Bunny Eyes

I was cleaning up the kitchen (the cleaning lady comes tomorrow, you know) and as I was breaking down cardboard boxes for recycling, I came across a box that said, "Diva Bunny." I was instantly horrified.

You see, growing up, my mother gave us chocolate bunnies for Easter. And being a sensitive child, I had a hard time eating them. It just seemed so cruel to eat the fuzzy-looking ears, then the smiling face, then the cute bunny arms... so honestly, many an Easter morning involved the ceremonial throwing away of last year's bunny and replacing it with the fresh new bunny in the kitchen cupboard.

As I grew older (you know, about sixteen or so), I overcame my bunny issues for the most part. I mean, c'mon, I now possessed the mental ability to distinguish a chocolate bunny from a cute, imaginary friend bunny encased in chocolate. I was now able to devour chocolate bunnies. Except for one kind.

The bunny with eyes.

You know what I speak of. Who ever thought it would be a good idea to make a chocolate bunny, and then make actual colored eyes for it? So that the bunny can watch you while you eat it? Horrifying! And my bunny-eye issue has only gotten worse over the years. Probably because I get zero sympathy and continual trauma at the hands of my family.

Every year, I forget about my bunny-eye issue. But you know who doesn't forget? My family. My mom began the tradition of leaving bunnies with eyes in my room on the farm to "greet" me when I came home. Then she began leaving them in other places for me to run into, like in the shower *cue Psycho music*. Lately, the teenager has begun to join in the fun. This year, he purchased Diva Bunny, and put her in my room.

Even he admitted he was a little frightened by this one...

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  1. LOL!!!! Oh my goodness this is PRICELESS. I am still laughing. Good one, Teenager. Good one :)

  2. That is the most awesome bunny with eyes EVER!!! That teenager is very creative and is definitely very good at spotting a creepy bunny!


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