Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fruit and Chocolate Fast

I was working late on the computer in the Spare Room last night, and suddenly I had a hankering for macaroni and cheese. I looked at the clock... and it wasn't midnight yet... so I made myself a little bowl and gobbled it up before Ash Wednesday began. Well, let's just say I gobbled it up and didn't look at a clock again.

I am admittedly a novice fast-ee. The thought of going an ENTIRE DAY without eating seems amazing. Which is probably a sign I need to get there, but baby steps, right? Another close friend fasted recently from the evening meal, which I also find fascinating. How does one go to bed hungry? Right now, I restrict myself to fruit, vegetables, chocolate and liquids during the day. Then I resume average eating behavior for dinner and perhaps indulge in a bedtime snack.

I haven't entirely made up my mind how often I will fast during Lent. Or whether I will challenge myself a little more with my fasting plan. As the Spirit leads, right? Ironically, even with fasting I have to watch my flare-ups of pride cancer! Sometimes when my tummy rumbles I begin to feel pretty self-righteous about my holy self-sacrifice...

And then I remind myself that most people fast FROM chocolate, they don't give up everything EXCEPT chocolate. And humility is restored.

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