Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I hate packing.

I hate packing, and therefore I am always packing at the very last minute. Like, about five minutes before we have to leave, I'll pull out the suitcase and begin meticulously going through each day of the trip, finding articles of clothing, shoes, accessories, hair appliances. etc. We almost always leave 30 minutes late. At least.

Last Friday was no different. Husband and I were going to stay at a hotel for the weekend. I had all day to pack... but I waited until 4:15 p.m., since we wanted to leave at 4:30 p.m. And maybe Husband could handle this one thing, but I have a second weird packing issue...

You see, I like to pretend I'm a light packer. Some people try on clothes that are too small, because they think they are several sizes smaller than they actually are. I'm like that, but with suitcases and bags. I like to think all my stuff will fit into one backpack. So by the end of my packing extravaganza, I have four smallish bags ready to go.

Husband didn't say much when he loaded my bags into the car. He may have rolled his eyes when I asked him if he had room in his bag for three additional shirts that just couldn't fit anywhere else. But for some reason, before the end of the evening, he snapped.

Ironically, his snapping coincided with another quirk of mine. When I grew up, you parked the car right in front of the hotel lobby doors, you left the car running and perhaps just one person ran in to check-in, and then you parked near the door that was closest to your room. But when we arrived, instead of following this practical procedure, husband parked a mile away, and then wanted to load me up like a Sherpa to haul all our luggage into the hotel lobby.

I stalked off, got our keys, and we drove to the correct door in silence.

Eventually, Husband and I had a chat about what precipitated the outburst. I explained to him the practical procedure, and instead of apologizing for his ridiculous actions, he said to me,
"Well, honey, if you didn't pack fifty bags it wouldn't have been a problem! There are no weight restrictions on this trip! We aren't on a cruise or an airplane! I don't care how heavy it is, all I ask is that you pack ONE BAG."
Lucky for him, I have a sense of humor.

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