Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 2

Epic Fail. I blame Dairy Queen.

I should have braved the grey weather and taken the dog for a 30 minute walk. But it might rain. And I thought I would wait for the kid and go to the gym with him. (He works at DQ). However, the rush was so significant that he didn't get home until after ten... and really, who wants to go to the gym after ten at night? So 30 min. activity FAIL for Day 2. Should have gone earlier in the day.

And as for the intake of food... relatively good job... I had the kid bring me home a half cup of soft serve with strawberries... so yummy! I don't think I can give up that bedtime snack, usually consisting of ice cream... and softserve plus strawberries is a good substitute for the calorie-laden blizzard (500 calories vs. 340 calories). I need to cut down to a small sundae, or start picking up those mini Ben and Jerry ice creams that are 200 calories...

Boring post, I know. But it keeps me accountable.


  1. Here's an idea ... I blame Mocha. She's far too kind and complacent. Stella, on the other hand, would not have let you off the hook so easy. You would brave just about any kind of weather to stop the Tasmanian devil that is Stella sans-exercise. Sooo ... you could get another dog, like Stella, to be the best personal trainer you ever had. Stella is also available if you want to borrow her.

  2. Good call! Mocha used to be my exercise partner (you know, back when I exercised), and lately I have noticed she is a bit, er, pudgy? Which means I'm probably pretty pudgy too... whereas you and Stella are a skinny, sleek pair...

  3. Can I blame DQ for my weight problem even though I haven't worked there since '91?

  4. Are you addicted to DQ? Perhaps we can look at a lawsuit for pain and suffering? I mean, DQ probably preys on young high school students, hires them and gets them addicted... you are the victim here! :-)


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