Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 3: Artificially Happy and Loving It!

Hello! I am excited today, because for the fist time I know there is someone who actually reads my blog here and there, voluntarily. You know who you are (yes she is related to me, but no, she is not my mom), and your words today were fabulous!

Anywho, today I did a great job of not eating, because the Surgery Instructions say No food after 7:30 a.m. and no liquids after 10:30 a.m. Poor husband, I get quite crabby when I'm hungry. And I was nervous.

When I initially broke my leg and was scheduled for surgery, I was majorly OCD about it. I read everything three times and knew exactly what to expect. This time around, I took my celebrex a half hour late, arrived 10 minutes late, forgot to take my earrings and contacts out, and forgot the air cast. However, this time around I was a bit more aware of the "tricks of the trade." For example, last time I went in I was a little hyper and the anesthesiologist began talking about her leg injury while discreetly injecting me out with "pre-sedative" because I was freaking the team out with all my counting. (Whenever I'm going to be pricked with a needle I count, starting at one, to calm down. I used to make the person pricking me do it, but after they put me out as a result I decided I should just count myself. Why is it soothing? Because it takes my mind off the pain, kind of like when you count while running and when you get to 30 you can walk).

This time, I was relatively calm... until the first anesthesiologist couldn't find my vein after poking around three times. I was getting a little pissy, I said something, "No offense, but I'm beginning to lose faith in your ability to find my vein," so she brought in BOB... the same Bob who authorized putting me out last time... and yes, after trying to distract me with a story about traveling to Germany he found my vein... my last words? "I can still remember what's going on!" Bob: "Just give it a second or two"

And I woke up. That Bob, he's a tricky one.

I'm home now, still a little high from the drugs (my facebook time was filled with "like" and "I love you!"), and husband made me velveeta mac & cheese (Mac & cheese = comfort food!). I don't think my 30 minute exercise will be happening (fail x2); but the food intake has been pretty good.

Tomorrow is another day! I will exercise tomorrow!!!

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