Sunday, February 6, 2011


I'm the oldest, and was adopted at 6 months of age. Four months later, FarmerBoy was born. So the two of us grew up together, a mere 10 months between us. FarmerBoy loved riding in the grain trucks to the elevator, riding in the tractors in the field, and riding in the combine during harvest. So upon graduation from high school, he got his farm management degree, bought some land, married a wife, and settled down to live the good life.

FarmerBoy, while quite phone-savvy, still does not have a facebook account and is not overly excited about being a blog-reader. But recently, for the first time, he checked it out. The funny part is that at first, he had no idea who the pseudonyms were for. For example, he thought it very strange that I had a pet guinea pig who died the same time our other sister's guinea pig passed away. But once he figured out that I used pseudonyms for people he knew (most of whom he is related to), he got into the site a bit more. He even did a search to see how many times "FarmerBoy" came up in the blog!

So welcome FarmerBoy. AngelOwner is a loyal reader, and gets after me when I don't post on a daily basis. My mom facebooks me when she likes posts, because she "can't seem to figure out how to comment on the blog." I have to keep my family happy; without them, my readership would look pretty pathetic...

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