Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Warm or cold water?

Today, I met with the Teenager on campus for coffee before participating on a panel about law school at a nearby classroom. He was relaying a story to me about how he and his roommate saved their hall by notifying the appropriate people they had no heat or hot water. His story began like this:

"I was brushing my teeth and I said to Roommate, we have no hot water-"

"Wait," I interject. "You brush your teeth with hot water?"

He looked at me incredulously.

"You brush your teeth with cold water?"

I explained that a hot toothbrush sounds gross. He said hot water kills the germs. We are both confident we are the non-weird one. So please let us know - hot or cold?
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  1. Please tell me you had coffee at Lori's and also stopped in to Bailey to say "hi" to Greg!

    You are each half right. Start with cold, rinse with hot, then wash your face.

  2. I run my toothbrush under hot water to soften it so it is not as hard on my gums... but I rinse with cooler water. (cold water makes my teeth hurt)

  3. cold water... hot water does not feel refreshing

  4. in order for hot water to "kill germs" doesn't it have to be boiling? Why would you brush your teeth with boiling water?


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