Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Double-Life

I haven't posted for the past few days, because I have been busy living the double-life of a criminal. I suggest reading this overview before diving into the emails.

It all started when I took a Chicago Manual of Style from the law journal office. I took it home to work on my assignment last weekend. I was in a hurry, it was late, so I grabbed it and left. A little voice in my head said, "Is it OK to just take this?"

I rationalized I would bring it back as soon as I was done, and there were other manuals on the shelf, so nobody would ever notice.

And then, last Wednesday, everyone on law journal received a mass email from an editorial board member asking members to please sign out the CMS books. I knew what was not written in the email - that a CMS book was missing and was not signed out.

And thus began my life of crime. Having just ended my Terror Trifecta Week, I was in the mood for something 100% unrelated to learning in any way. So I took on a new identity: the CMS Thief.

I tried to create a gmail account. In an effort to throw the young pups off the scent of this old lady, I put 1/1/95 as my birthday. Except you have to be 18 to have a gmail account, so my computer was blocked. It was an honest mistake - that I made again when creating my facebook page. Facebook was a little more lenient in letting me try again.

And so my double-life began. By day, I was a normal law student trudging through finals. By computer, I was the Dark Lord of Journal Antics. Or something like that. Only LawLady knew it was me, and she did everything she could to help me out.

I had a hunch that I was in over my head when people began making pop culture references. And I had no idea people would analyze the pictures I posted so closely! But I realized my life as a criminal was short when HardyBoy1 wrote his thesis on why I must be the CMS Thief. HardyBoy1 and I have spoken approximately 100 words to each other since the beginning of the school year, and yet his analysis was freakishly accurate...

So, my double life is at its end. Which is probably good, because it does take a lot of time to live one life, much less two. Congratulations to HardyBoy1, may I be the first of many thieves you unmask!

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