Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Visit from VBDragon

On an otherwise dreary day of homework and school and journal and Microsoft Word, VBDragon stopped by and brightened my day.

While I have lauded VBDragon's athletic abilities, tonight I was so impressed with her character. A few weeks ago, she had asked me to write her a letter of recommendation. There were a few questions I wanted to ask her. I wasn't 100% sure they were appropriate questions to ask of teenagers you weren't related to, but when she stopped by to pick up some things, we began talking and it just seemed like the right time. So I asked my hard questions, the kind that make teenagers squirm. And I was overjoyed (and relieved!) at the answers.

What makes VBDragon special is her self-awareness. The world tells teenagers they are only going to be happy if they are popular, have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and party. It takes a special young woman to glean the truth from her surroundings, to have the courage to find her own way, to make the hard decisions, and to be OK with being different. VBDragon's outlook on life far surpasses where I was at when I was 18. Maybe even 28.

The thing is, in high school (and in life), it's much easier to live like a Christian if you're totally isolated from the world. In high school, I had the popularity value of a kleenex. I'm pretty sure God created me to be a pudgy nerd-bag in high school because if I was athletic, popular and hot, I would have been an alcoholic hoe-bag. So when I look at VBDragon, who has enough athletic ability and attractive features to do some real damage if that's the kind of life she wanted, I am thoroughly impressed at her ability to say NO! to the world.

One of my favorite memories with VBDragon occurred a few years ago. I hosted a youth Bible Study/sand volleyball game. The teenager came, and while tall he hadn't quite mastered coordination. I, like always, was being more of a coach and less of an encouraging adult. After one particularly cutting remark, VBDragon looked at him consolingly and said, That was mean! I remember being very convicted by her words. She was right, I was way out of line. But I was more amazed that a junior high girl who was an amazing volleyball player even noticed that someone else was feeling bad. Much less say something comforting to an awkward teenage boy.

I don't want to put any undue pressure on VBDragon - she's gonna make mistakes. But I have faith in her ability to learn, to trudge through the hard times, and to have the courage to do what needs to be done. Thanks for brightening my day!

1 comment:

  1. there you go again!:) wow. you leave me in awe how you can write things down like this! But thank you because you have inspired me throughout the years! I don't remember doing that specific thing to be honest and nothing comes to my memory! haha so you can explain it to me later and maybe I will understand:) But thank you again for supporting me and saying these awesome things to keep me going:)
    Love ya, VBDragon:)


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