Monday, December 13, 2010

My Justice Thomas Story

Last year, United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas visited the law school. It was quite the event. It was mostly question-and-answer, and many of my classmates asked really deep, insightful and substantively complex questions.

I had no plans to ask anything, and honestly, I don't remember why I suddenly decided I was going to ask a question. I remember HarryPotter giving me the look, implying that now was not the time for fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants antics.

The microphone came towards me, and I was nervous. "Justice Thomas, we hear a lot about work-life balance..." I started off.

Justice Thomas interrupted me, "What's that."

I was nervous. Everyone else in the room knew he had cracked a joke... except me. I proceeded to EXPLAIN to one of the SMARTEST, WISEST PERSONS in the entire NATION what I thought WORK-LIFE BALANCE meant. I am rolling my eyes at myself as I type.

"Well, uh, you know, the idea that your work shouldn't be your life...." (what a great definition)

Justice Thomas again interrupted me and kindly said, "I know what it means, I was just kidding..." and went on to give his answer. He added that it was a good question, which was a welcome salve to my burning cheeks. He honestly shared that there wasn't much balance in the early days, but that for the sake of his wife and family he carved some out, and that he likes to drive the camper on vacations.

Afterward, Justice Thomas was signing books and taking pictures with students. I approached with my never-been-used legal pad in a new leather portfolio (a gift from the law school's clinic program). I apologized to Justice Thomas for defining work-life balance for him, and explained I was nervous, all in my rambling, goofy way.

He let out the traditional Thomas laugh: OH HO HO! And signed my portfolio "Nice question!! Justice Thomas." I had forgotten all about it until Trial Day last week. And that's my Justice Thomas story.

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