Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 1: A Hula Girl in a Pineapple Tree

Thanks to JW for dropping off a plethora of great decorations for the graduation luau!

The vision: Sunshine. Colors. People milling about, laughing with colorful drinks and little umbrellas. Leis. Children frolicking about, teenagers racing on bounce horses.

The challenge, of course, is transforming a small city lot into a tropical paradise. My Craig's List friend directed me to 20 tiki torches for $50, I purchased 200 leis from an ebay store, I am borrowing a tiki bar used for a church luau a few years back, I purchased a banner, a cute tiki bar chalkboard sign, and plastic cups with brightly colored hibiscus flowers on them. Friends have come up with enough grass skirting to fill a large garbage bag. And JH's recent delivery takes care of table centerpieces!

Overall, I think the decorations are taken care of - but if anyone else has ideas or donations, don't hesitate to comment!

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1 comment:

  1. Consider me "all caught up!" This party is wayyyyyyyy ambitious.


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