Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 1: Rough Start

My problem is that I like to stay up late. Like right now, typing away as the eleven o'clock hour nears. I know that in order to stick to my great plan of punctuality, I needed to go to sleep an hour ago. And yet, hanging out in the living room with the teenager while catching up on email, facebook and blogging is so relaxing that I am unwilling to go to bed. As an international adoptee, my mom recalls me standing in my crib and grinning at her in the middle of the night, and she swears I have yet to adjust to the time change!

Day one did not go well, but there were no hard deadlines either. The family was traveling three hours to visit my hometown, and our "goal" was 8 a.m., knowing that if we got going before 9 a.m. it would be a victory. I drug myself out of bed at 7:06 (I hit the snooze but then talked myself out of bed before 7:09) and crankily began rounding up the children, packed my bag, directed husband... and we were out the door around 8:30 a.m. I was tired. I did not get 8 hours of sleep.

I had planned to celebrate my brother and sister-in-law's pregnancy at 1:15 at a Chinese Restaurant. Growing up, I worked there and knew it was a 15 minute drive from the farm. Husband and I left the farm at 1:12. We were engaged in such fun conversation... but luckily we got a text from sister-in-law that they were five minutes behind... and we actually beat them to the restaurant! Victory (sort of?)!

This punctuality thing is going to be tough. It isn't fun getting up and being cranky. But I so enjoy the calm of the late night! And hanging out with the teenager... And being late to lunch didn't create any negative repercussions... Maybe I'm just not the punctual type.

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