Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 3: The Time Cushion

I left the house at 9:50. I couldn't sleep last night. I finished my "Sleepy Time" tea around 2 a.m. I ignored my 7 a.m. alarm. I rolled out of bed and moved to the couch so as to be of more assistance to Daughter. After the kids left, I snoozed until about 8:30, then began getting ready for the day. I think the ten minutes over budget came from the atypical activities of looking for my passport (for my I-9), wrapping my brace around a heeled shoe, and having to re-do my outfit after my pants proved to be an inch too long (do black pants go with lavender-white striped shirt? My first choice was grey...). BUT, because I built in extra time, I arrived at the office at 11:15 a.m. So victory as to getting to work on time!

The next challenge is to be punctual about getting home. The competitive workaholic in me has to fight the urge to stay "just ten minutes longer" so I can finish this, that, and the other thing.

Tomorrow, I need to be at the bus stop by 8:09 a.m., so I should leave home between 7:20-7:30. My goal is to get into the habit of getting up at 6 a.m. and going to bed at 10 p.m. Returning home, I need to be at the bus stop by 5:09.


  1. Wow! Has this self-reflection and minute by minute account been helpful? I'm impressed by your attn to detail with time! I hope things continue to go well!

  2. I just want to say that I enjoy reading all of your blogs and I hope you continue even after your 350 quest.


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