Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sorry Flea Market Man

Sidenote: During the summer a massive flea market pops up in my neighborhood. As I'm trying to catch my bus for the THIRD day in a row (yeah me!), I'm paying attention to all the random tables and people pulling trailers and RV's and such... and as I drive by on my typical route to the main road (because yesterday, I took an alternate route and ended up behind a school bus... as it made seven stops on one road for what seemed like an ETERNITY), some guy has the nerve to look at my car while mouthing "SLOW DOWN" while his hands are pushing down on an imaginary horn or something.

If I had had more time, and nerve, I would have stopped my car and informed him that tomorrow, I would be camping out at the end of his driveway so I could sell crap and critique his driving with hand motions and over-accentuation of each syllable of a silent, slow-motion phrase.

But, as it was, I probably was speeding a little (I admit, my "typical" speed on that road is probably not appropriate within 100 feet of pedestrians)... sigh. So Imaginary Horn Guy - I apologize - I will SLOW DOWN.

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