Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 7: Seven Years!

May 18 is our actual seven year anniversary of marriage, but we celebrated this evening at W.A.Frosts in St. Paul. Cheers to us!

Because of our dinner date, I drove to work today. Despite intending to drive to work, I still wanted to see what time I would pass the exit... but once again I spaced out and drove by without noticing, so I don't know exactly what time I passed it, but I know it was before 8:09.

It was a good day for punctuality. I observed a 9 a.m. court hearing, and made my dinner date (OK, I was five minutes late, but not for lack of trying! I couldn't remember how to get to the restaurant, and used up my time cushion driving in circles). I was a little stressed from being lost, but it passed quickly. I never really internalized how much my mood is affected by being late.

Seven years... thank goodness my husband is patient, forgiving and loving! Husband jokingly toasted that our marriage was full of surprises, in reference to the teenager (who graduates in 16 days) and daughter. Looking back on what we've accomplished in the past seven years, I thank God He put us together, that He has held us together, and will continue to hold us together!

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