Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does Wonder Woman Wear Elastic Belts?

My youngest sister, Famous Diva, is in her early twenties. She is still relatively wild and crazy, but she's slowing down a bit. For example, she is considering the grown-up decision of whether to buy a house! Another example of her fading partying years lies in this year's Halloween costume.

This year, she had aspirations of going as Wonder Woman. She found a costume and tried it on. Everything looked fabulous.

Until she put on the belt.

The velcro belt went on easily enough. But one step forward and *SCWING!* the belt went flying forwards off of her body with enough speed to take out a small child. FamousDiva was not be deterred. She put the belt on again, and carefully and slowly tried to make a move. *SCWING!*

An old person, like say me, would take this as a sign that perhaps I am no longer Wonder-Woman-Worthy. But not FamousDiva. With mother's support, she plans to alter the belt so it has an elastic extender in the back. At least she has the good sense to laugh at herself: a svelte and sexy Wonder Woman with an elastic extender to protect small children from the deadly belt-projectile!

Trick or Treat, FamousDiva?


  1. No need for an elastic extender, thanks to a little thing called Spanx :) So yes. That is the trick to wear the belt, so I get plenty of treats!

  2. Ah yes Famous Diva, Spanks are a regular in my wardrobe as well. Someday I'll share my Spanks Story online...


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