Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ten Questions I Don't Know The Answer To

1. Would I rather live in debt and work a job I love, or temporarily work a less favorable job to pay off all my debt?

2. When is a good time to start having kids?

3. When will daughter be ready to live in a group home?

4. Will Lia Sophia send me a replacement necklace without me paying $5?

5. Would I regret putting my kids in daycare?

6. Would I regret being a stay at home mom?

7. Would I feel better if husband was home with the kids, or would I feel jealous/guilty?

8. Is it possible to make all the wrong decisions and totally screw up the life God has planned for me?

9. Will the teenager marry someone I like?

10. If I knew the answers to all these questions, would I be any happier?

I am inviting any advice you have on any of these topics!


  1. You had to know I'd reply to some of these questions... =)

    2. You can always come up with a reason to not have kids. If you're waiting for that ideal moment in time, it's just not going to happen.

    4. Very, very doubtful. Especially since I'm sure that Rebecca has put you on some sort of black list.

    5. There's always regret for not being with them all the time. But then again, it's wonderful to have them get used to being with other people too. It's a catch-22.

    8. No. God doesn't work with what might have been, He works with what is.

    9. According to my very wise mother, it's a choice that you make beforehand. To make the decision of "This is the person my child has chosen, they are going to be part of our family, and I WILL love them."

  2. Thanks Stephanie. Your answer to #4, while wise and likely accurate, makes me sad nonetheless! I appreciate the time you took to answer.

  3. 1. Life is about living. Doing something you don't like, for no matter how long, is still not living.
    5. kids learn a lot in daycare, if it's a good daycare.
    8. God won't let you screw up your life.
    9. agree with Stephanie. My Mom made the same decision.
    10. no, you won't be happier, there are always more quesitons.
    Miss you! Will be home Sat!

  4. Thanks guys. You give great answers! I just watched the season 2, episode one of Modern Family, and it was about a mom who disliked her son's junior high girlfriend. Hilarious.


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