Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 8: Glee!

Tonight daughter joined me on the couch to snuggle and watch Glee. It has been a LONG time... I can't remember the last time that we cuddled up to watch TV and just enjoyed each other's company. When we're all snuggled up, and daughter begins to sing along with the Journey medley, it doesn't sting when I gently shake my head and ask her to listen to the TV. And when the show finishes with Over the Rainbow, I overrule my initial decree of no singing by joining in with daughter (hey, at least she knows the words to this one)! I've also noticed that my patience with daughter extends to increased patience generally. Try the Daughter Dare - you'll be surprised how quickly the benefits outweigh minor frustrations!


  1. This made me smile!

  2. You have inspired me to stop being so nit picky with my kids. Thanks!!

  3. I admit, I'm still nit picky... but in a kinder and nicer tone of voice, it's more like I'm taking considerable interest in her daily activities :-)


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