Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Quest-less Day of Pictures

Co-clerk and I were scheduled to take pictures for the firm website this afternoon!
We planned to leave for our appointment a half hour before it began so we could ready ourselves in a relaxing manner.

We left at the half hour mark. And of course, it was raining. We took the skyway, following the map I had printed off... In our minds, it was so easy - the studio would either be 1) very visible, 2) very well-known or 3) easy to find.

Alas, it was none of these. The skyway map, or perhaps I the reader, did a poor job of getting us close to the right building, so we had to brave the rain. Luckily, co-clerk had an umbrella. We got to the building, and realized we didn't know the studio name... and none of the names looked familiar on the directory. For some reason, I had it in my head he was on the third floor, so we went to the third floor but were met by a locked suite.

At this point co-clerk has lost a little faith in me (I can't blame her) and calls the office to see where we're supposed to be. We were in the correct building. Well, apparently we're supposed to knock loudly in case he doesn't hear us.

So I POUND on the door. A guy comes out and says, what, doesn't the doorbell work?

Ooooh, awkward.

He informs us that no photographer is there. BUT were we aware there is another building with the same name on the other side of the block?

So we run around the block, in the rain, are directed into the wrong building AGAIN, but are quickly re-directed to the correct building. We shoot up the elevator and are greeted by our lovely photographer, who was just starting to wonder where we were.

So yes, we are the farthest from relaxed. I am wet - both from the rain and from my sweat. It is hot and humid in the bathroom we are supposed to primp in. I use up two paper towels just wiping excess sweat off my forehead and nose. And of course, we are now late! In the end, I think everything turned out OK (you'll have to watch my facebook for the link to the picture!). It just goes to show - why worry? For all the worrying I did, I NEVER thought to worry about EVERYTHING that could possibly go wrong happening at the exact same time :-)

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