Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 5 and End of Quest #7

Well, I stepped on the scale this morning and I lost three pounds. So a diet of rice, sprite, bananas, applesauce and toast is a winner! (I didn't even push the save button, I know it would be cheating). I'm feeling better, and will likely gain back those three pounds in no time. Sigh!

My summary for Quest #7 is this:

First, I stink at packing a lunch. Unless its something I really like eating, I won't pack it. So perhaps a manageable goal, for now, is to pack my lunch once per week, consistently. That seems manageable.

As far as cutting back on the sides, I am doing a little better at that. Coupled with my desire to eat less, I have been content with just a sandwich - instead of a sandwich, chips and a cookie. Although, when it's free... I usually don't exhibit as much restraint.

And it was good for me to keep track of my expenditures. I didn't quite realize how fast those sit-down lunches add up... when the receipts sit in your dark purse for weeks, you can live in denial for a long time.

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