Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The numbering has gotten quite off. But, on Friday, I will weigh myself to see if Quest 8 had any kind of impact. I have not made it downstairs to our home gym yet. And this week I have not been doing my back exercises... so yes, I will need to start "back" up tomorrow (ha ha... I know, I'm so funny).

Today I spent about $18 for lunch, but it was a calamari salad, and I didn't get pop.

Another positive thing from the week is that I have walked to law school every day because I am part of a new student group that plans reflection activities for the student body. Today was a great discussion about faith and stress.

This week, my stress level has amped back up. Next week I start school and move the teenager out. I'm wrapping things up at the clerkship and participating in student activities. This transition is very emotional, and a passionate desire for God's peace has been awaken as well.

1 comment:

  1. Next Week Teenager goes to the U?! Oh, my... next week will be quite emotional! What day does he go? I'll be thinking of you!!


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