So we go to the hotel lobby. I don't know what the restaurant name is, so I ask the guy behind the security desk. I ask, Where's the Noodle Bar?
He gives me the "Seriously" look and says, "We don't have a Noodle Bar."
Yes, you do.
No, we don't.
Sir, I saw the sign that you have a noodle bar in your restaurant.
Ma'am, we don't have a noodle bar.
At this point co-worker intercedes and asks where the restaurant is, he says fifth floor, and we're off. I'm steaming. And now becoming a little afraid. We arrive on the fifth floor... and I see a woman explaining to two other young women how the Noodle Bar works. Hooray!
Of course, I proceed to tell the hostess that the guy downstairs tried to steer us away. And our waiter. And the chef who was making our noodles (I was 5% sad it wasn't an Italian Noodle Bar, it was an Asian noodle bar). Everyone I told said, "Was his name Tyrel?" I said I didn't know.
On my latest rant to the chef, where my co-worker and I are trying to explain what he looked like (she said he had a goatee, was older; I was trying to find a politically correct way to say he was black) when this, er, guy came around the corner and said, "You found it!"
I looked at his name tag and it said Tyrel. I said to the chef, No that's not him. But then I looked again, and he knew who I was, and suddenly I realized, it WAS Tyrel (in my defense he put glasses on). And I was so incredulous that we didn't recognize him (and he did NOT have a goatee) that I forgot to be embarrassed that he caught me complaining about him. He was much nicer, I was much nicer, and we all lived happily ever after.
Noodle Bar. Lots of veggies, very fast, and only $10 (we got a 20% coupon, but then paid it back in tip). AND No DQ treat - although I really want one (probably because every night when I come home Husband is having a Dilly Bar).
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