Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 7: Happy August

Twinsfan and I were back in fine form this evening - the rain held off, the conversation was fun, and the Twins lost BIG TIME but oh well. We were comparing our company's "August" celebration - they had Cub's food cupcakes, and we had Cheesecake Factory cheesecake brought it. Yes, she does work for the federal government...

We were discussing the things people do to be cool. Like go to sushi bars. She has friends she knows do not like sushi, but they go to sushi bars because its cool. I, on the other hand, like Sushi bars. In my world, the cool kids run marathons, drink Diet coke and play fantasy football. Where as I run to catch the bus, drink regular coke, and couldn't name five current NFL players. Oh well, I am a self-professed dork. Don't get me wrong - I do want to start running again, I'd like to only have one pop a week, and I'm still undecided about this Fantasy Football thing - but I want to do these things because I'm FREE to be ME, not because I'm forced through social peer pressure to do things to fit in.

Anyways, as for the quest - I ate the other half of my lunch from Tuesday, and managed to hold off taking a trip to the frozen yogurt counter, although the only reason I held off was because I walked into the kitchen and realized it was Happy August, and I saw a beautiful raspberry swirl cheesecake... While I ate pretty atrociously at the game, I also walked back and forth to my car several times throughout the day, for a total of about 2 miles. We'll see if I managed to keep off any of my sick weight.

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